

Theory of Change…

Setting up a Theory of Change is like making a roadmap that outlines the steps by which you plan to answer the problem your charity was set up to resolve. As more and more funders are requesting an organisation or project to have a Theory of Change when they consider them, then having one is not just good practice, but is essential.

It helps you define whether your work is contributing towards solving the problem you set and achieving the impact needed.

It also allows you to spot potential risks in your plan by sharing the underlying assumptions in each step.

In large organisations, when there may be several projects running simultaneously, the Theory of Change helps to map these different projects first and then consider how they link and relate to each other.

This tool can also aid in aligning team members to the larger end goal, and help them understand their role in achieving it.

Our team can support you by helping you really define the problem you want to solve, and also your long term vision on the change you want to accomplish. We will then help you breakdown this problem into key principles, objectives, and help you devise a working document for both internal and external audiences. Our template is thorough, thought-provoking, and simple to use.

Get in touch with our team here to find out more.